Warner Bros. Entertainment Company
is now giving away
80 pairs of Valentine’s Day Premiere tickets
Now showing
is now giving away
80 pairs of Valentine’s Day Premiere tickets
Now showing

which she maybe spending her Valentine's Day on
My Valentine's Day.
Is look alike dreaming only
Celebrating what big big day with famous celebrity?
its never appear my head
its only come reality to my mind with xxx
if got such chance with celebrity?
Oh No....is i am glad or lucky?
Horray!!I will asking her for a signature(Lame....)
OK..Next..ask her for Free Unlimited Ticket of her show
(Wonderful,i can sell those ticket and get start my Cinema Career)
Then,ask her to be my blog ambassador for a day
(Hopefully, my blog will increase of traffic till Blogger server down)
Have a heavy Couple dinner with her...
(Oo Yeah!..Celebrity is all time On-diet..
means that me have all of her meal..Clap Clap)
and so on...hope she can teach me on-the-spot
Dance with me..wakaka...
all statement above is belong to Nuffnang...not for me...
is a requirement for get premiere ticket..
hope you win...
ReplyDelete@woaini....hope so lar...
ReplyDeleteGood luck there....
ReplyDelete@wyne ren..yaya u too..good luck