My Water Moments Event with Sony TX5
@Sunway Lagoon , Mali Cove
meet up advertlets famous bloggers , TX5 users
and Nuffnang bloggers
the time for registration is 9.30am
a lot people already long queue up before counter open...
but @engtaukia n me doing something special
A souvenir from Sony Tx5 water moment event
a small towel , SONY recycle goodies bag ,
and a complimentary Sunway Lagoon waterpark ticket
camwhoring with other bloggers
@babebaboon @xiiao_tong @carmencee @engtaukia
+ unknows (drop me a msg)
My Water Moment Banner Banting
are hang up all around Sunway Lagoon..
seem like a major event today at Sunway Lagoon
Getting lost in Sunway Lagoon...
Must take a mapping photo before entering all
Warm Welcome from Sony.Believe Cyber -Shot
Whole Mali Cove is ready for Water Wars
A lot of the Sony TX5 Hand-on Workshop to be
going on during the game...
(Can Win a Sony TX5 back Home Each One Per Team)
Today Programme
(1.30pm have a Juztin Concert/Meet &Greet )
(Group Photo Session)
The Fun is happening with Sony TX5
(the fun is happen with my Camera)
This guy have a lot Funny Pose , so I decide to make him
a portrait very soon...
(it will send to anyone who interested on him..haha)
The Game Been On...
All Camera Is Shut Down because of non-Waterproof
click here for Sony Official Site
Malaysia First Bungy Jump
@ Sunway Lagoon , Extreme Park
for MYcard Holder have 50% discount
meet up advertlets famous bloggers , TX5 users
and Nuffnang bloggers

a lot people already long queue up before counter open...
but @engtaukia n me doing something special

a small towel , SONY recycle goodies bag ,
and a complimentary Sunway Lagoon waterpark ticket

@babebaboon @xiiao_tong @carmencee @engtaukia
+ unknows (drop me a msg)

are hang up all around Sunway Lagoon..
seem like a major event today at Sunway Lagoon

Must take a mapping photo before entering all

going on during the game...
(Can Win a Sony TX5 back Home Each One Per Team)

(1.30pm have a Juztin Concert/Meet &Greet )
(Group Photo Session)

(the fun is happen with my Camera)

a portrait very soon...
(it will send to anyone who interested on him..haha)
The Game Been On...
All Camera Is Shut Down because of non-Waterproof
click here for Sony Official Site
Malaysia First Bungy Jump
@ Sunway Lagoon , Extreme Park

I nvr went 2 sunway lagoon b4 =(
ReplyDelete@everlyn the different is...i went there two times edy..kekeke